Bezos space firm claims reusable rocket breakthrough

25 Nov, 2015

The private space firm founded by Internet entrepreneur Jeff Bezos claimed a breakthrough for its space travel efforts Tuesday with the launch of a reusable rocket. Bezos announced the milestone with his first Twitter message following the launch and return of the rocket by his firm, Blue Origin. "The rarest of beasts - a used rocket. Controlled landing not easy, but done right, can look easy. Check out video," said the tweet, with a link to a YouTube video.
The unmanned New Shepard rocket blasted off from its west Texas launch site and then returned and landed safely, representing a coup for spaceflight. "Rockets have always been expendable. Not anymore," Bezos said in a blog post on the Blue Origin website. Bezos told CBS This Morning that the successful launch and return is a major step toward enabling space travel.

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