Partly Facetious: The profundity of PM's samdhi

24 Nov, 2015

"So what's up with the samdhis (men related to each other because their children are married)?"
"Don't be disrespectful, you must respect the man who occupies the highest office in the land, an office that he won through the popular vote..."
"One samdhi did that but what about the other?"
"I told you to be respectful - there are defamation laws, and let me remind you that the samdhi who didn't get the popular vote chaired the law reform committee over the weekend according to a handout."
"Leave the guy alone...maybe he headed the law committee that dealt with reforms relating to the economy! Would you stop laughing I didn't say anything funny!"
"The samdhi with the one man vote..."
"And need I add the man who matters today, who can take decisions..."
"The matter of civilian military relationships..."
"OK so I stand corrected the man who is allowed to take quite a few decisions..."
"Which are?"
"Who to appoint to head which ministry at least...."
"Don't get upset at me, I am only asking."
"Anyway my rejoinder to your contention that Dar sahib probably headed the committee that was dealing with reforms specific to the economy is simply this: the guy heads more than 35 to 40 committees ranging from looking after shrines to electoral reforms which are not going to impact on his own reelection bid as he has a one man vote and...."
"What is it? 35 or 40?"
"I stopped counting after 35."
"Then you are defaming the guy and if laws are to be formulated and implemented by Dar sahib then you are in trouble."
"Just as well that they are formulated and not implemented in this country for example the money laundering law to become part of tax evasion law, the law to...." "Still hasn't been passed I believe. And for your information the laws that they want implemented are implemented pretty darn quick."
"I concede that."

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