APBF warns against Pak-India trade talk

27 Oct, 2015

All Pakistan Business Forum has warned the government against the trade talks with India till the improvement of diplomatic ties, as India has crossed all limits to terrorize the Pakistani civilians. The APBF President Ibrahim Qureshi said that the arch rival of Pakistan has completely disregarded the international conventions and norms by repeatedly violating the ceasefire agreements along working boundary and line of control. There is a link between the Indian sponsored terrorism in parts of Pakistan and its unprovoked shelling on our borders, he said.
He said that India must understand that peace in South Asia is in the interest of regional countries and the whole world, as extremism will not only damage Pakistan but also hurt India. He called upon New Delhi to abandon fanning militancy in Pakistan and opposing economic corridor which is in her own interest.
The APBF president accused the Indian government of trying to divert attention from its internal failure by resorting to unprovoked firing to create unrest on the border with Pakistan. He said that innocent children and women were targeted during repeated Indian firing, adding that India's hypocrisy has been exposed before the whole world. The Pakistan Armed Forces and the people of Pakistan will respond effectively to the aggression of Indian forces, he said.
"It is very unfortunate that the OIC is silent despite proofs of Indian involvement are crystal clear to create unrest in Pakistan, besides killing so many innocent civilians by the unprovoked firing on border." The Modi government did not respond the positive efforts of Pakistan for resolving the outstanding issues through dialogue. Pakistan always shows its commitment to contribute towards promoting a peaceful South Asia and world knows our efforts to improve relations with Afghanistan and seeking normalization with India.
Expressing complete solidarity with armed forces successfully fighting against terrorists and militants, Qureshi said the entire business community was fully supporting the armed forces for crushing terrorists. He suggested the government to think strategically, not emotionally on trade issues with India. He further said that the global economy is in recession and bilateral trade is diminishing, however, in Pakistan's case the scenario is worse as its imports are increasing more than exports.

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