India condemned for growing intolerance

23 Oct, 2015

Religious minorities' clerics on Thursday slammed India for fresh atrocities by Hindu extremists against the people of other beliefs. The clerics, representing Christians, Hindus and Sikhs, were speaking at a joint press conference at Idarae Noor-e-Haq along with JI Karachi Chapter chief Engineer Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman. They blamed the Indian government for the rising violence against other religious groups.
Former President, Pakistan Hindu Council, Raja Aasir Manglani, condemned the torture and injustice against Muslims and people of other religious minorities in India. He called the growing Hindu extremism a 'stigma' on the face of Indian so-called secularism and democracy, warning the BJP and other Hindu extremist groups of unfolding chaos.
He also condemned Shiv Sena, an anti-Muslim Hindu extremist faction in India, for human rights violations, saying that the radicalism of Indian society was regrettable and held the Modi government responsible for rising religious intolerance. Raja Aasir said that the religious minorities in Pakistan would move world bodies if India continued its support to extremism.
Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman said that religious extremism in India had taken the lives of people of other beliefs as well as lower caste Hindus since Modi had taken the power. "The prevailing situation in India is not only affecting minorities but also bringing a bad name for Hindu religion," he said. JI Minority Wing Chief Younous Masih blamed the Shiv Sena for organiSed crimes against other religious minorities, which enjoyed support of the Modi rule. He said that Indian extremism had forced the local minorities to raise voice against the continuing cruelties.

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