CoAS visits FC KPK headquarters: Nation has unshakable trust in army: General Raheel

21 Oct, 2015

Chief of Army Staff (COIAS) General Raheel Sharif visited Headquarters Frontier Corps (FC) KPK at Balahassar Fort, Peshawar on Tuesday. He was briefed by IG FC about operational preparedness of the force, progress of ongoing operations and FC's capacity building. The CoAS while informally talking to officers and men paid rich tribute to the valour, sacrifices and achievements of FC KPK in operation Zarb-e-Azb.
He said that playing a pivotal and praise worthy role in fight against terrorism, FC was fighting hand in glove with army troops in FATA and KPK and FC troops were writing new chapters of bravery, stead fastness and sacrifices. The indomitable courage of army and FC soldiers has been the bedrock of Operation Zarb-e-Azb. He said that Pakistani nation had unshakable trust in its armed forces. "We are proud to be custodian of this unflinching faith of our nation, and will always come up to their expectations," he added.
The CoAS also reviewed new manpower and equipment induction plan to build FC's capacity and directed to ensure merit in selection, and best training standards to remain an effective and credible institution. The CoAS also paid glowing tributes to the police officials and other security agencies, who have courageously braved the onslaught of terror and rendered supreme sacrifices along with other security forces in fight against terrorism. The army chief also stressed the need to work more for close co-ordination and better border management on both sides of Pak - Afghan border as a pre-requisite for long term peace and stability in the region.

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