Musharraf optimistic about PML unification prospects

19 Oct, 2015

All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) chief and former President, General Pervez Musharraf (Retd) has said that the reunification of Muslim League factions is the need of the hour and in the larger interests of country and its people. In a telephonic conversation with party office bearers and activists on Sunday, Pervez Musharraf claimed that he will soon inform the masses about a good news regarding the merger of PML factions.
He said that masses are fed up of politics of Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) as both have no future plan for country and people as well.
The APML chief said that his party has long term future plans and it will change the destiny of the masses and country.
Pervez Musharraf also raised question over the two and a half year performance of the ruling government and said that during this time miseries of the poor masses have increased by manifold. He rejected fake cases against him and said that those involved in hatching conspiracies against him will have to face disappointment as he was not worried of any threat or plot.

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