LB elections: speakers concerned over non-representation of women

15 Oct, 2015

Speakers expressed serious concerns over the non-representation of women on the general seats of local bodies' elections because of changes made in local bodies Act by Sindh government. The Two-day Refresher Training Worship on Community Action Research and Knowledge Management held at a local hotel on Wednesday where more than two dozen women from Sindh and Balochistan participated.
It was organised by Aurat Foundation in collaboration with Oxfam. District Co-ordinator, Ghazal Anjum said that despite 52 per cent population of women in the country, 33 per cent representation was being given to women in local bodies' election which was clearly injustice. Aside from this, such representation is being given on the reserved seats where women would be selected/elected from families of political parties who are already holding control everywhere whether it is parliament or bureaucracy or other platform, she said.
She said it would be a great injustice to the common and poor women. Senior Social Activist, Mahnaz urged participations to mobilise the women for ensuring maximum participation of women in local bodies' elections by casting votes for suitable candidates. Co-ordinator in Sindh and Balochistan of Aurat Foundation emphasised that the 50-women group should establish a link with women councillors elected in Balochistan for raising voices for rights of women in the province.
"Besides, such practice should be adopted by women from Sindh province, once elections process of local bodies was completed", she said. Women councillors should be urged to raise voice for rights of women in local assemblies and if possible, they should talk on the projects for women in each province, she said. Zohra from Oxfam said that the projects were being developed to train certain group of women and empower them as they could launch the struggle for rights of women.
It does not mean that you people should end your struggle for rights of women, when the tenure of projects was not extended, she said clarifying the aim and objects of projects. She said that projects were designed for certain period to enhance capacity of certain vulnerable groups and once it was done, the aim of project was fulfilled. So, you people have to continue your struggle for rights of women where you would have to train, educate and organise the women about their rights and also mobilise them whatever the support we could have, we would provide you financially and any other form, she said.
Another participant, Amina said while suggesting that there was extreme need of setting up resource centre or space where the victims or any women could approach in case of any victimisation. It would be easy for us also to deal with such cases when we have space at any district or Taluka or village because without it we are facing various issues to connect with them and vice varsa, she said.
Besides, others stakeholders like media, politicians and lawyers should be invited in such meetings convened by Aurat Foundation where our point of views and grievances should be shared with them, Amina said. Apart from this, the 50 women group should be given identity which would also help them to launch struggle for victims.

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