Partly Facetious: I think lota is a rural concept

15 Oct, 2015

"So the Khan has his work cut out for him."
"Indeed, he has to grapple with those who support his ideas ideologically and then there are those who support these ideas only rhetorically or such is the charge levelled by the first group against the second group."
"I thought the fundamental difference between the two groups in Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was not this."
"Well there are other differences but I thought the fundamental difference between the rovers and the original residents' so to speak was..."
"Hey, rovers' is not the word in use in this country, it's lotas."
"I think lota is a rural concept so to speak and there is nothing rural about those who have left other parties to join the PTI. The rovers are better dressed and that is because their exposure to the West is much more than those who are ideological supporters of the PTI..."
"Precisely can you elaborate?"
"Yes, what I mean is they are smarter dressed and let's be honest, their dress sense is similar to the PPP leadership which may explain why the jiyalas are leaving the party to join PTI and..."
"Are you being facetious?"
"No I mean..."
"The difference between the new and the old PTI loyalists is that the old do not have money while the new do."
"There is a reason for that."
"I know the old have never been in power and have had no access to government contracts and..."
"Now who is being facetious but any way the Khan likes to surround himself with moneyed people..."
"His second wife isn't..."
"Let it go..."

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