Shahbaz urges parties to work together for progress

15 Oct, 2015

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that Pakistan comprises four federating units and their equal development is essential for national progress and prosperity. He said that there is a need for collective efforts for national progress and development.
He said that Punjab is playing an active role for the promotion of national solidarity by including all units of the country in its educational programmes. He said that people of all provinces and regions of Pakistan will have to strive for elimination of poverty, unemployment and darkness for achieving the goal of economic development and prosperity.
He was talking to a delegation of journalists from Khyber Pakhtunkhawa which met him, here on Wednesday. The Chief Minister said that time has come for all political parties to work together for national progress and development and steering the country out of the quagmire of problems.
He said that 180 million people of Pakistan want elimination of political jugglery and interested only in resolution of energy crisis, elimination of terrorism, poverty and other issues. He further said that there is a need to rise above mutual differences and move forward with the force of unity. He said that students of Khyebr Pakhtunkhawa, Balochistan, Sindh, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir have been included in Punjab Educational Endowment Fund, Laptop Scheme and study tours to foreign countries.
The Chief Minister said that a state-of-the-art Pakistan Kidney and Liver Transplant Institute is being set up in Lahore with the cost of billions of rupees for the treatment of kidney and liver patients. Journalists from Khyber Pakhtunkhawa paid tributes to Chief Minister for the measures taken for the development of the province and said that they have personally seen the progress made by the province during their visit to Lahore. They said that Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif is working for the promotion of national solidarity in the real sense and it is their desire that Khyber Pakhutunkhawa should also emulate the welfare measures of Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif.

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