KP chief minister announces rehabilitation of police stations, posts

14 Oct, 2015

Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak has announced to convert all 282 police stations and police posts of the province into fully rehabilitated and renovated modern facilities on the lines of the model police stations established in Peshawar and certain other cities.
He also formed a four-member committee to examine legal implications of the amendments in the Police Act suggested by the Cabinet Sub Committee as well as the Police department. The Chief Minister also stressed the need for devising a fool proof, smooth and independent system to deal with personnel affairs of the civil servants including their posting, transfers, appraisal etc and constituted a committee headed by the Senior Local Government Minister that will suggest civil services reforms or amendments in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Civil Servants Act.
Chairing a meeting held at CM Secretariat on Tuesday to review the proposed amendments in the Police Act, the Chief Minister said that like police department the powers of the Chief Executive of the province and the cabinet members regarding posting, transfers of civil officers were required to be devolved to the Chief Secretary or administrative heads of the provincial government departments.
The Chief Minister directed the police department to establish its own traffic engineering department and asked the relevant authorities to prepare PC-1 for renovating all police stations of the province and equipping them with all latest public service facilities as well as fully trained and well-mannered police officials. Discussing the proposed amendments in the Police Act, Pervez Khattak lauded the interaction and co-ordination, suggested by the cabinet committee and police, between the district level police and elected local bodies and emphasised the need for setting up security or peace committees at the village and Neighbourhood councils' level comprising nazims and members of the local councils and their nominees.
The meeting was also attended by the Senior local Government Minister Inayatullah khan, senior Minister for Health and Information Technology, Shahram kahan Tarakai, Minister for Education, Atif Khan, Minister for Public Health, Shah Farman, MPA Aneesa Zeb Tahirkheli, Chief Secretary Amjad Ali Khan, Inspector General police (IGP) Nasir Khan Durrani, Secretaries of Home & Tribal Affairs and Law departments and other concerned officers.
During the meeting the IGP gave detailed briefing on proposed amendments in the Police Act and suggested measures for reconstitution of the Provincial and District Public Safety Commissions besides creating the Provincial and Regional Police Complaints Authorities, and Criminal Justice Co-ordination Committee. He also proposed establishment of Bureau of Accountability within police department to ensure internal and external accountability of the police officials and suggested measures for accountability of police through local governments.

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