Pakistan seeks cooperation of world community on nuclear energy: FO

09 Oct, 2015

Pakistan seeks co-operation of the world community, including the United States, on civil nuclear energy. "There should be non-discriminatory approach on nuclear issues, including an access to peaceful use of nuclear energy," said Foreign Office spokesman Qazi Khalilullah during a weekly news briefing, here on Thursday. He added that the country was producing nuclear energy to meet its energy demands.
Talking about Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's four-point initiative presented at the UN General Assembly, he said this would help reduce tension and resolve all outstanding disputes between Pakistan and India. "Pakistan has never shied away from talks with New Delhi," he said, adding that the country had always insisted on negotiations on all issues, including the core dispute of Jammu and Kashmir. He further said that Pakistan was ready for talks with India but pre-conditions were not acceptable.
The purpose of handing over dossiers to the UN Secretary General was to inform him about the Indian involvement in fomenting terrorism in Pakistan, he said adding that "Pakistan will continue to inform the United Nations about its concerns in this regard in future as well."
About the eruption of violence in India over cow-slaughtering, the spokesman said the country which claimed to be a secular state should guarantee basic rights to minorities. "Attacks on Muslims on the issue of cow slaughtering are beyond comprehension and a cause of concern for the Muslim Ummah," he added. The spokesman strongly rejected allegations that Pakistani agencies or forces were involved in attacks in Afghanistan. He said "we condemn the occupation of Afghan territory by any group."
Khalilullah said that Islamabad was helping Kabul in countering terrorism and development process. "We are in touch with the Afghan authorities to restore trust level between the two countries," he added. He further said that Pakistan had supported intra Afghan dialogue process and also hosted the first round in Murree. He added that if the two sides agreed, Pakistan was ready to facilitate them.
He also said that Pakistan condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. "We will not tolerate the presence of IS or any of its associated group on our land," he added. About Russian air strikes in Syria, the spokesman said Pakistan had a principled position on the issue based on neutrality, impartiality, and respect of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Syria.
He maintained that Pakistan stood for a peaceful solution of the issue through dialogue led by the Syrian people. To a question about Mina tragedy, he said that all out efforts were being made to locate the missing Pakistani pilgrims. He said that according to the latest information, 89 Pakistani pilgrims were martyred and five others wounded in the tragedy. He said that Saudi authorities extended full co-operation to Pakistan in identification of martyrs and finding of missing pilgrims. He further said that Saudi Arabia had been making excellent Hajj arrangements for many years and "we have full confidence in their abilities to manage this process."

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