Consultative dialogue on finding ways to curb menace of extremism ends

09 Oct, 2015

A consultative dialogue on finding ways to curb growing menace of extremism and protecting new generation from radicalism concluded here with the observation that all the stakeholders be involved with special focus on collective efforts at community level for attainment of the goal.
The dialogue was arranged by PAIMAN, an NGO working extensively in Pakistan on conflict transformation, de-radicalisation and peace building. People belonging to different walks of life including members' provincial assembly Mian Jafar Shah, Naseem Hayat, Rashida Rifat `additional secretary home Abdul Kamal superintendent Peshawar central jail Masoor Rahman government servants, police officials, civil society members and media attended the dialogue, according to a press release issued here on Thursday.
Members provincial assembly demand the foreign and interior policies should be changed and make such policies in the national interest they demand work jointly to curb terrorism Executive Director PAIMAN, Mosarrat Qadeem briefed the participants about objectives of consultative dialogue. She said it is organised to find out ways of collaborating and addressing the menace of extremism through chalking out a policy frame work.
The view points and suggestions presented in the dialogue process would be incorporated in recommendations presented to government for preparing a policy frame work for containing extremism. Mosarrat also apprised the participants about efforts being made by PAIMAN for peace building and de-radicalisation of radicalised youth. PAIMAN has successfully de-radicalized around 1150 radicalized youth by providing them regular counselling by experts.
In the dialogue process participants presented different suggestions including holding thorough research in finding out root causes of extremism as how youth is attracted towards extremism. Religion is not the only source of attraction for diverting attention of youth to radicalism, but poverty, unemployment and injustice in society is also contributing in polluting the minds of people, participants observed.
Some suggested for involving newly elected representatives of Local Government who can play very effective role in keeping a vigil in their area and educate people about affects of radicalism. A suggestion was also made to engage Ulema and religious scholars for educating masses and counter the narrative presented by militants in misguiding people.
At government level a thorough review should be made of the interior and exterior policies, proposed a participants in the dialogue. Some suggested for concentrating on education and employment which is considered as the main tool of protecting new generation for radicalisation. A proposal was also made to bring Masjid Imams (prayer leaders) in service network by paying them proper salary by government and to make a quota of jobs for students of religious seminaries. The objective is to bring religious scholars and students of religious seminaries into the main stream by providing them jobs.Ensuring equality of law is also proposed as injustice is termed as major factor behind radicalising of people in the region, especially FATA.

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