Softlan, Pink Ribbon Pakistan collaborate to beat breast cancer

08 Oct, 2015

Softlan, the country's first post wash fabric conditioner, joined hands with Pink Ribbon Pakistan, a distinguished NGO working on Breast Cancer Awareness nation-wide. Pakistan has the highest incidence of breast cancer in Asia, with every 1 in 9 Pakistani women at the risk of this disease.
In honour of the World Breast Cancer Awareness month, Softlan launched its annual awareness campaign and hosted a launch ceremony at Colgate-Palmolive Head Office recently. This partnership was marked by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony by Colgate Palmolive Pakistan (CPPL) and Pink Ribbon Pakistan (PRP).
"Women are the heart of the home and our core consumers. We care about their health and well-being. Thus, the Softlan Breast Cancer Awareness campaign aims to educate women about the disease and early detection through regular screening. We will also donate a certain percentage of Softlan sales in October towards the development of Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Hospital," said Sidra Akram Sheikh, Brand Manager Softlan.
Mariyah Mazari, a breast cancer survivor was also present at the event to share her account of survival and her on-going advocacy of beating breast cancer. The participants were briefed on the importance of early detection as a preventive measure to reduce the likelihood of breast cancer.-PR

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