CCP takes notice of hike in air fares

06 Oct, 2015

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has taken a serious notice of an unreasonable raise in the air fares by some private airlines operating in Pakistan after a strike by the Pakistan Airlines Pilots' Association (PALPA). Sources said here on Monday that CCP has been observing the situation arising out of a strike by the PALPA and after observing the air fares being unreasonably raised by some private airlines has decided to start a probe into the matter.
Promptly taking the action, the commission is analysing the relevant data from sources including airline industry to conduct a thorough probe under the mandate of Competition Act. Through the probe, CCP will investigate whether the private airlines abused their dominant position or indulged in some other anti competitive activities by taking advantage of the crisis situation created owing to strike by PALPA thus adding burden on the consumers.
Section 3 of the Competition Act prohibits unreasonable and unjustifiable increase in the prices of goods and services and empowers the CCP to investigate the exploitative practices. CCP will conduct the inquiry and if some undertakings were found to be involved in anti competitive activities, action will be taken as per the law.

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