ANP concerned at capture of Kunduz by Taliban

03 Oct, 2015

ANP President, Asfandyar Wali Khan has termed the capture of Kunduz province by Afghan Taliban as a matter of high concern and urged on Pakistan and Afghanistan for making concerted efforts against the threat with consultation. Addressing a political ceremony in Charsadda on Monday, he also asked Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for convening an All Parties Conference for ensuring political stability adding his party would not desist from any sacrifice for the sake of motherland.
He said that government and opposition parties should devise a comprehensive plan for the development and security of the country. He said that centre should also respect rights of smaller provinces as it is necessary for satisfaction of the federating units. He said that Pakhtuns living on both sides of Durand Line were facing turbulence in their respective areas and the time demands that they should find a solution for their problems.

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