Partly Facetious: We should become good friends with Kenya

03 Oct, 2015

"Mian sahib is a simple man - give him shabdegh, give him puri halwa, give him hareesa and he will be content.""Excuse me, but these are all delicacies and what's so simple about them?"
"Well, it's not as if he likes caviar or dim sum or sushi or escargot or..."
"Ah I see where you are going with this. But you know Mian sahib booked Serafina Always in New York, a real fancy Italian place and Netanyahu cancelled cause he didn't want to eat in the same restaurant..."
"Hmmm, interesting but Italian is also fattening food now if Mian sahib had gone to the Far East for his exile then I bet you he would have developed a taste for sushi and sashimi and may have offered the tax payers money to pay half of the interest charges on borrowing to set up such restaurants and wouldn't we have all been more svelte and..."
"Where does svelte come in?"
"Well, the foods Mian sahib likes now have triple the calories of the foods of the Far East and need I add in that case we should have a slimmer population and the health bills would have been lower and..."
"Oh shush, don't be so silly, in any case be grateful that he did go to Saudi Arabia - we wouldn't have gotten the $1.5 billion gift otherwise."
"There is that indeed but that could well be a one off after all we didn't go into Yemen."
"Hmm, right I know we should become good friends with Kenya?"
"Excuse me? Where did Kenya come in?"
"We are buying their planes and God bless the especially appointed PIA Chairman who I think should be given a tamgha-e-jurat (Medal of courage) for coming up with the idea of purchasing planes from Kenya..." "Don't be facetious, maybe he was focused on getting the same state of planes that are part of the PIA fleet so our pilots can fly them, I mean they surely are unable to fly new or state of the art planes and..."
"Don't be facetious." "OK, then let's go to Zimbabwe..." "What's with this new love for poor African countries..." "Zimbabwe is the only country available to play cricket with us and..."
"You are being facetious."

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