Economic delusions of grandeur

03 Oct, 2015

Freud would have read it as a pathogenic existence. Dependent on the symptoms he probably would have related it to either a compulsive neurotic behavior or a schizophrenic one. The latter indicates a given source of fixation and rigidity and is a disease that is difficult to overcome. Compulsive neurotic behaviour on the other hand is curable and one has to re-educate the person(s). Delusions can therefore fall into either of these two categories. All this is when the powers that be explain sea-changers in the economy in the future. They are not tuned to normative or positive actions of a government. Loyalty forces them to do what they are doing. Cleverly played by the political government they have a coterie of people seeking ministerial jobs but they have to provide the political powers loyalty. So they get on to the TV and do what is best known to them. Speak utter lies to jack up the credibility of their political bosses. One would have thought that this sycophancy would not be part of PTI but that is also aborted.
How do we use this at the world forum? Well by going to these international shouting forums. The UN, Third World development forum and Devos, etc, to name only a few are used to project their egos and not the realities that are in Pakistan at the moment.
The breast beating current Punjab CM was making tall claims on energy before he got into power. Now he is not making good his vows. He was to have changed his name and three years hence the electricity shortage is still going on. The circular debt that was such a scandal when the payment was made to a friend of theirs without an audit is now building up again. Ghost bills were honoured then and will be honoured now.
The CPEC or economic corridor is a game changer but you will have to wait for the distance future and to be exact till 2030. In the meantime the payment will have to be made for infrastructure development and the rate of return is quite high. That is the profit that will have to be made to China. The LNG scandal is not any better. Qatar has provided gas and the cost is not known. The terminal that was built for the gas to be received is also very expensive. Our forex reserves are again healthy thanks to the loans from the IMF. The much touted export earning is again down from last year's. The textile exports, despite the President's efforts with the EU, are again in a mess and far short of the target. The textile mafia is unhappy with the PM for not giving more subsidies.
We go to UN to speak our minds and there we fall asleep and do not go to the opening session. I am reminded of the secretary agriculture who replaced me and was to have attended the water meeting in South Africa. He fell asleep from overwork at night and did not attend a single day of the seven-day meeting. What was the result? We lost our membership of the international organisation. Why do we have such egos and such pathetic performance? Are we compulsively neurotic or are we suffering from a more serious disease in the national personality? Are we schizophrenic and therefore rigidly following certain idiotic procedures the denial factor in our national psyche leads me to believe that the desire to correct ourselves is not available to our personality(s). Sports are no better. What little organisational ability had been developed in cricket is now in the pits of the world. Zimbabwe was beaten. And there was great celebration. The country is a cricketing minnow and is an associate member of ICC. Next play Kenya and Holland but please do not play Ireland for there is a great chance of losing. Keep on patting yourselves and by some more drummers that can do it for you.
The aviation industry is in turmoil. The steel mill is in a mess. Touch any organisation and you will find the same result. When will we learn from others? The PM was in the US for the event The PM is doing his business there and not following the dictates of the taxpayers' money. I recall that Secretary of State went to Moscow for the IBM arms deal and he took with him his gun for hunting. The US people went for him. He has no business to mix pleasure with official work. He apologised and never went out again. Such is the censorship system of the most powerful country.
Our heads need to roll. The Mina destruction was not our PM's priority. He woke up five days too late. Such is his gourmet habits that they are sleeping pills. Of the 24 hours that he spends at least 8 must be in eating, 12 hours in sleeping and the rest four hours doing his business. He was right when he took that expensive hotel because he did not want his fellow Pakistanis to know what he was up to. If that be the case why be the PM of this rotten state of Pakistan where all you have is Pakistanis.
There is more evidence on this. But suffice it to say that can wait for this government is core destructive. In corporate sector they have sleeping partners that enjoy all the benefits without any responsibility. Such is the case with our beloved - the younger elder and the elder brother. Genetics do matter. I had always argued else ways. The Mina tragedy people will be given five lakhs for the death of the dear ones while the injured will get two lakhs. How insulting a behaviour is this? When will we learn about human dignity? Or are we born in a dead state?

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