Message from Mamnoon Hussain President Islamic Republic of Pakistan

01 Oct, 2015

I am pleased to learn that Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) is organising 3rd FPCCI Achievement Awards in order to acknowledge the achievements and the contributions of the leading businessmen and business organisations towards the growth of national economy.
I wish to felicitate FPCCI on organising this event which I am confident would serve to further encourage the business community and would provide impetus to the efforts aimed at promoting trade, business and industry in the country. It would also encourage the private entrepreneurs to play even greater role in the socio-economic development of the country.
I greatly appreciate FPCCI for its endeavours to promote activities relating to trade, business and industry in the country. I also hope that if will not only continue these activities but would also step them up. For doing so, the FPCCI may like to give a thought to devising special schemes to encourage women entrepreneurs in the country.
I am confident that the conferment of awards and the recognition of high achievers will motivate these individuals and the organisations to further excel and to explore their creativity and skills and thus make even greater achievements for themselves and for the county. Once again I appreciate the efforts of FPCCI, its President Mr Mian Muhammed Adrees, office bearers and the organisers for holding such an event and congratulate all the award winners. I wish FPCCI and the Award Winners continued success in future.

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