131 dead in alleged strike on Yemen wedding

30 Sep, 2015

The death toll from an alleged air strike on a Yemeni wedding soared Tuesday to 131, including women and children, as the Saudi-led coalition denied it was behind the incident. UN chief Ban Ki-moon condemned Monday's reported bombardment, saying intentional attacks on civilians were considered a "serious violation of international humanitarian law".
Residents said the Arab coalition, which launched an air war on the Houthi Shia rebels in late March, was behind the attack on the wedding in Wahijah village near the Red Sea city of Mokha. But the spokesman for the Riyadh-based coalition, Brigadier General Ahmed al-Assiri, denied any involvement. "The coalition did not conduct any air strikes in the area over the past three days," he said. "This is completely false."
The coalition called for an independent investigation. "We can prove by satellite that we did not fly over that zone," a coalition source said. The death toll rose to 131 on Tuesday after "more bodies were taken overnight to hospital and many of the wounded succumbed to their injuries," a health official told AFP, requesting anonymity. Previously the toll had been at least 40 dead and dozens wounded. A doctor at Mokha's Al-Reefi Hospital, Mayaz al-Hamadi, confirmed that 131 bodies, including women and children, had been brought in.
"Many bodies are laid on the floor because the hospital does not have the means" to accommodate the large number of fatalities, he said. The United Nations said it was trying to verify the death toll. "If the numbers are as high as suggested, this may be the single deadliest incident since the start of the conflict," said Rupert Colville, spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Colville said more civilians were being killed in the fighting in Yemen amid "an increasing number of air strikes targeting bridges and highways". According to new UN figures, 151 civilians were killed, including 26 children and 10 women, in the conflict between September 11 and 24. A total of 2,355 civilians have been killed in the war since late March, and 4,862 have been wounded, Colville said.

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