Pakistan, UK discuss trade and investment

23 Sep, 2015

Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz received the Parliamentary under Secretary for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the UK, Tobias Ellwood at the Ministry on Tuesday.
The Adviser and Ellwood discussed the entire range of Pakistan-UK bilateral relations. Both reiterated the desire of their respective governments to strengthen this relationship. Special emphasis was placed on increasing bilateral trade and investments from the UK to Pakistan.
The Adviser stated that Pakistan is an investor friendly country and offers excellent business opportunities. He emphasised the need to encourage the British small and medium entrepreneurs to invest in diverse areas of Pakistan's economy.
The Adviser also highlighted the Prime Minister's desire of a peaceful neighbourhood. He also briefed Ellwood on Pakistan's counter terrorism efforts and the National Action Plan. He also discussed the evolving situation in the region especially Afghanistan and impressed upon his interlocutor that Pakistan desires peace and stability in the region.
Ellwood appreciated Pakistan's counter terrorism efforts and the National Action Plan and said that the resultant improvement to the security situation would help to improve the climate for investment and trade in Pakistan. He applauded the desire of the Pakistani leadership for a peaceful neighborhood. The efforts of the government for social and economic welfare were also praised.-PR

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