Iftikhar Awan elected Chairman PFMA KP

23 Sep, 2015

Malik Iftikhar Ahmad Awan has been elected chairman of Pakistan Flour Mills Association (PFMA) while Haji Musarrat Shah was elected as senior vice chairman. The names of the newly elected office bearers of the associate were announced in a general body meeting.
Similarly, Haji Sartaj Ali Shah (Malakand), Mohammad Ali Hamza (Mardan) and Nadir Khan were elected vice chairmen from their respective divisions. The outgoing chairman, Mohammad Naeem Butt presented annual report and congratulated the newly elected cabinet.
Addressing the general body, the newly elected chairman, Malik Iftikhar Awan paid tributes to the services of outgoing chairman for the flour mills industry. He said that the outgoing chairman has utilized his capabilities and vast experience in bring the flour mills industry out of the crisis.
He thanked all members of the PFMA for reposing confidence in him and also other members of his cabinet. He expressed the resolve that he will take along the cabinet of the association for the development and resolution of problems faced by the industry.
He assured that the outstanding problems of last year included 0.6% withholding tax on bank transaction; export policy will be resolved during next one year.

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