Education curriculum fomenting hatred against minorities: speakers

22 Sep, 2015

Speakers have termed education curriculum responsible for increasing hatred particularly against religious minorities and urged the expurgation of such hate materials so that harmony among different sections of the society could be developed.
They expressed these views while addressing a seminar on the occasion of the launching of a campaign titled, "Bolo Zimmaidari Say" (Speak with responsibility) organised under the auspices of South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP-PK) in collaboration with Aurat Foundation (AF), Strengthening Participatory Organisations (SPO) and the SUNGI Development Foundation (SDF) in connection with International Peace Day (IPD) at Peshawar Press Club on Monday.
The speakers included Mukhtar Bacha, a leader of National Party (NP), Harun Sarab Diyal from Hindu community, Shajeel Ahmad, Barrister Hashim Raza and Shahab Advocate, senior journalist Shamim Shahid, Jameela Gilani, a former Member of National Assembly (MNA) of Awami National Party (ANP) and others.
Highlighting issues being faced by non-Muslim community in the country, they regretted that the minorities were deprived of their equal human rights and even they (Minorities) were also reluctant to raise voice for their rights. Criticizing the hatred lessons in the syllabus, they said that all those detestation against each other particularly minorities was due to hatred speeches from different segments aimed at pitting Muslims against non-Muslims, "The time has come to voice against such people and remove hatred lessons from syllabus.
They termed democracy the best way to eradicate all hatred and violence and create harmony, brotherhood and atmosphere of love in the society. "Our rulers are too feeble to establish real democracy in the country," they observed. They said issues could not be resolved with weapons but it was need of the hour to review the policies.

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