Shahbaz terms relief package for farmers historic

22 Sep, 2015

Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif terming the Rs 341 billion relief package announced by the prime minister for the agricultural sector as historic, has said his government will implement measures for the progress of farmers and no negligence will be tolerated.
In a speech in top level meting he chaired on Monday to review different proposals for implementation of the agriculture relief package, he said, "Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has given a historic relief package for the betterment of farmers and development of the agriculture sector. "The PML-N government has given due right to the cultivators by giving a historic relief package of Rs 341 billion. Agriculture is the backbone of national economy and the progress of the country is linked with prosperity of the farmers. The govt will speedily implement the measures for the progress of farmers and no negligence will be tolerated.
"The concerned departments should work actively for the implementation of the relief package and long-term planning should be evolved for development of agriculture. A survey should be conducted with the help of modern technology for collecting authentic data for providing financial assistance to small cultivators." He also told the Punjab Information Technology Board, SUPARCO, Urban Unit and Land Record Management Information System to evolve a method for technology-led survey. "Modern technology should be used to collect authentic data of small cultivators and the method for survey should be decided at earliest so that the programme of distribution of financial assistance to small cultivators could be started." He then directed that a comprehensive programme for distribution of financial assistance among small farmers be also evolved and final recommendations be submitted.

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