Government urged to focus on NAP implementation

21 Sep, 2015

Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) Chairman Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao on Sunday said that attack on the PAF camp was the second biggest terror incident since the assault on Army Public School and urged the government to keenly focus on the implementation of National Action Plan (NAP) in order to prevent such incidents in the future.
In a statement issued from the QWP central secretariat, Watan Kor, he said that the entire nation was in a state of anger and tension over the loss of precious lives of our security forces and civilians in the recent attack. "The nation has a strong resolve to cut the roots of terrorism from our soil and they are committed to stand with the security forces to avert untoward terror incidents," he added.
He added that Pak Army had played a significant role in fight against terrorism, adding that security forces' achievements should not be overshadowed by such kind of lapses.
He maintained that terror incidents take place due to the lack of co-ordination among intelligence agencies, adding the security agencies should establish timely and effective co-ordination in order to prevent such incidents in future.
He further said due to the lack of interest by the federal and provincial governments, the issue of tackling terrorism had become much worse, casting negative impacts on socio-economic life of people. He, on the occasion, urged the incumbents to concentrate on curbing terrorism and get rid of this menace forever.

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