Only Pakhtun leadership can resolve longstanding issues: Sherpao

19 Sep, 2015

Chairman of Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao has said unity of the Pakhtuns is the need of the hour and only Pakhtun leadership can resolve longstanding issues and problems of the Pakhtuns in the region. While addressing a reception on Friday he said that Pakhtuns have been passing through difficult times for the last three decades. Only credible and devoted Pakhtun leadership could play a pivotal and positive role to get them out of the crises, he added.
While condemning the terrorists attack on PAF Base in Budabher, he urged the federal government to take result-oriented steps regarding implementation on National Action Plan across the country. Sherpao said that terrorism is the main issue which had brought the entire region to a standstill, adding good and cordial relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan are needed to curb menace of terrorism forever.
He maintained that both the brotherly countries should improve government-to-government, people-to-people and institutions-to-institutions relationships as it will create friendly environment for trade and commerce. He also urged federal government to release net hydel profit to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province as soon as possible because it will help the economy of province.
Talking about merger of Fata into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, he said this move would bring positive and result-oriented change in the living standard of the tribal people. He, on the occasion, appealed all patriotic, progressive, democratic and peace-loving people to get united under the banner of QWP in order to get Pakhtuns out of all crises.

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