Paramedics vow to continue JPMC OPD boycott

18 Sep, 2015

The sufferings of patients may not end soon as the protesting paramedical staff of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) announced to continue OPD's boycott until their demands are met. The doctors, paramedical staff and employees of JPMC said that they are entitled to receive health risk allowance equal to one basic salary, which is being paid to federal and provincial health employees of other province except Sindh.
This emerged after talks between Sindh government and paramedics of JPMC failed due to legal issues. Sources said Sindh government refused to accept the demands of paramedics when it was emerged that paramedics' had already filed a case in Sindh High Court on the same issue.
During the meeting, government's official apprised the paramedics' representatives that the issue could not be resolved until the case is withdrawn. After meeting with Sindh government's official at CM House, Joint Action Committee of paramedics split into two groups. "One faction has decided to call off the strike while the other announced to continue protest till their demands are met.
However, a spokesman for JPMC said paramedical staff has called off their protest following their meeting with Sindh government authorities. It is pertinent to mention here that doctors had ended their protest after two days of boycotting OPDs and ward services after authorities gave them assurance to take up the matter with government.

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