GDA to establish 'food street' in Galiyat valley

15 Sep, 2015

Galiyat Development Authority (GDA) has decided to establish a food street for tourists in the scenic valley of Galiyat, along with pacing up work on the ongoing development projects and new schemes. All development projects in picturesque valley of Galiyat will be executed soon after their formal approval, which are mainly aimed to attract more tourists in four towns of the valley and adjacent areas, this was stated by Secretary Tourism, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and GDA Director General, Azam Khan while chairing a meeting at the Tourism Corporation Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The meeting was also attended by Additional Secretary Tourism, Muhammad Tariq, Deputy Secretary Adeel Safi, Director Galiyat Development Authority Raza Ali Habib, Deputy Director GDA, Usman Mohmand along with other high officials. The meeting was taken important decisions for beautification and development of Galiyat and redressal of issues, being faced by tourists in the scenic valley. Azam, during the meeting approved the complete computerisation of Galiyat, while the establishment of food street in Nathiagali, public information cell, and waste disposal and waste disposal machine also approved.

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