Proposed 22nd constitutional amendment: PTI woman legislator opposes Fata-KP merger

13 Sep, 2015

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) woman legislator, Ayesha Gulalai Wazir, has strongly opposed the proposed 22nd Constitutional Amendment Bill, presented in National Assembly by Fata parliamentarians, to pave way for merging of Fata into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. She was speaking at a news conference at Press Club here on Saturday, during which Pir Aurangzeb, who contested last general elections from NA-40 North Waziristan Agency, as independent candidate, announced to join Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf.
PTI MNA welcomed the joining of Pir Aurangzeb into Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, and said that the party would be strengthened in tribal region. Regarding the merging of Fata into KP, Ms Gulalai said the idea wasn't favourable and unworkable, which is meant that to give status to Fata as Provincial Administered Tribal Areas (PATA). "We are strongly opposed the idea, and would only favour to give Fata status as separate entity, PTI MNA said. She said the Fata has own traditions and custom, which are totally different from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
PTI MNA said the Fata has deliberately kept backwards in all fields, despite numerous, rendered by tribal people for their motherland. He added the tribesmen were not available facility of education, health, even though there was yet to be established university in tribal region. She said the Fata is blessed with abundant mineral and natural resources, which could generate hefty of revenue to national exchequer. Flanked by PTI tribal leader, Mohammad Iqbal Afridi, and other activists, Ms Gulalai emphasised the implementation of Fata reforms, earlier proposed by the relevant committee, rather to make 22nd constitutional amendment to merger Fata into KP.
Ms Gulalai went on to say that the Fata is also part of this country, if the Local government elections being held in Islamabad, and other parts of the country, why the Fata is ignored in this regard. She stressed to conduct local bodies elections in Fata to bring power at gross-root level and free tribesmen from clutches of Political Agent.
"The step-motherly attitude must be stopped with tribesmen, and government should take steps for giving all constitutional and legal rights to people of Fata", PTI MNA asked. She proposed the establishment of Fata Legislative Council by elected representatives, through which it would decide that whether Fata should merge with KP or create it as separate entity.
She praised the armed forces for their vigorous efforts bringing everlasting peace and stability in the country, and commented the sacrifices of jawans for their motherland. She criticised that the government isn't workout any plan for rehabilitation and re-settlement of tribesmen, uprooted due to military operation against terrorists in tribal region.
Ms Gulalai, who is also PTI provincial information secretary, vowed the party will raise voice for rights of tribesmen at any fora. She informed the party is planning to present a comprehensive Fata reforms agenda very soon, aimed at to provide due rights to tribesmen and bringing change in social fabric of tribal society. Later, speaking on the occasion, Pir Aurangzeb formally made announcement for joining into PTI, saying that he was impressed by ideology and vision of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chief Imran Khan for bringing change in the country. He expressed the hope that the PTI change agenda should also part of Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
Pir Aurangzeb fully backed the PTI Fata reforms agenda, and urged the government to take sincere efforts to bring Fata at par and to give all constitutional rights to tribal people. In this regard, he demanded the abolishment of Article 247 of the constitution of the country.

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