UN warns of millions more refugees: Hungary Prime Minister slams migrant 'rebellion'

12 Sep, 2015

Hungary's prime minister angrily accused illegal migrants on Friday of "rebelling" against the rule of law in his country as security forces across Europe struggled to control record flows of hungry, scared refugees. The United Nations called for the swift creation of large-scale reception centres in frontline states such as Hungary and Greece, and one UN agency warned that millions more refugees could arrive in Europe if Syria's civil war continues to rage.
Many of the tens of thousands of refugees now trekking from Greece via the Balkans and Hungary towards western Europe are fleeing the Syrian war in search of sanctuary, above all in more welcoming and generous countries such as Germany and Sweden. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said his country, which expects to take in 800,000 asylum seekers this year alone, had finite resources and urged other European countries to do much more to share the burden. Citing security concerns, Austria partially shut a highway linking Vienna and Hungary on Friday. Some 8,000 people had crossed the border on Thursday and a further 3,600 arrived overnight, Austrian police said. The rail link to Hungary also remains shut due to "massive overburdening" by the migrants.
Hungary is racing to construct a fence along its border with Serbia by early October to help stem the tide. It also plans to implement much tougher immigration rules from next week. Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a fiery populist who has framed the crisis as a battle to preserve Europe's prosperity and "Christian identity", angrily criticised the behaviour of the mostly Muslim migrants who have been filling up central Budapest and disrupting traffic along roads running westward to Austria. "They seized railway stations, rejected giving fingerprints, failed to cooperate and are unwilling to go to places where they would get food, water, accommodation and medical care ... They rebelled against Hungarian legal order," Orban told reporters.

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