Pilots Aero Medical Branch competent to recommend medical fitness: PCAA

10 Sep, 2015

Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) in a statement said that Aero Medical Branch is competent to give recommendations at its own regarding the medical fitness (class one) of pilots in accordance with already specified medical standards in ICAO Annex-1 & PCAA ANO-001-XXAM-2.0.
However, the aircrew having low medical category, any ailment, disability, suspicion of being under influence of drugs / psychoactive substances or complicated cases, may be advised special investigations or referred to specialist doctors to get accredited medical opinion, so that the safety of flight operation may not be jeopardized. (Para D3.3 to3.5 PCAA ANO-001-XXAM-2.0)
2. The class one medical fitness certificates for pilots are issued for 06 months (above the age of 40 years) or for one year (below the age of 40 years). These are valid till the last day of that particular calendar month in which their medical fitness certificate is going to expire. Usually the fitness certificate is issued within 02 working days. The pilots are advised to undergo medical examination in initial days of concerned calendar month to avoid inconvenience while coming on last day of the month.-PR

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