Dawood Foundation ventures into environmental awareness

10 Sep, 2015

The headlines are beginning to grow more ominous by the year. 'Pakistan is vulnerable to Climate Change.' 'Pakistan at increased risk due to global warming.' 'Pakistan's deforestation rate highest in the world.' Yet somehow, our national conscience hasn't been stirred enough for people to take notice. Drawing room conversations about existential threats to Pakistan are far more likely to revolve around terrorism and foreign influences. Climate Change, despite the growing chorus of voices in the media, doesn't seem to appeal to ordinary Pakistanis.
Perhaps a reason for our collective apathy can be found in Sabrina Dawood's belief that we have become distanced from nature. The CEO of the Dawood Foundation, the CSR arm of the Dawood Group, is passionate about environmental protection and is trying to raise awareness about conservation issues through her organization.
She expresses concern that while Pakistan continues to suffer from environmental degradation, so many people in the country - and children in particular - have no idea about what we are losing. She says that many Pakistanis haven't been witness to the wonders of our natural heritage as they don't travel because of security fears or other reasons.-PR

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