Kalam Development Authority established

07 Sep, 2015

Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak has announced establishment of Kalam Development Authority which will especially cater for development of communication, tourism, sports and environment infrastructure in Kalam. He was addressing concluding ceremony of Swat Tourism and Trade Festival at Shahi Ground Kalam on Sunday.
General Officer Commanding, Malakand Army Division, Major General Nadir Khan, Advisor to Chief Minister on sports and tourism Amjad Afridi, Chairman DEDAC Swat, Fazal Hakim, MNA Salimur Rehman and civil and military officers besides large number of tourists and local people attended the celebrations.
Paying rich tribute to Pakistan Army and the people of Swat for bringing peace and harmony in the area the Chief Minister said that dark-age of terrorism was entirely prevailing in Malakand Division few years ago and it had become impossible to hold such functions in Swat. But due to the sacrifices and firm commitment of the valiant soldiers of Pak Army, civil forces and the local people, terrorism has become the story of the past and a new era of peace, progress and prosperity has started in Swat.
He said that today the entire nation was grateful to those heroes of the country who sacrificed their lives for the future of the country and the nation during the war on terror.
The Chief Minister said that participation of large number of people from every nook and corners of the country in Swat Festival shows the fact that peace and tranquillity has been restored in the picturesque valley of Swat adding that such a heavy participation was also a sign of honour and respect for the civil and military forces. Pervez Khattak said that it was matter of pride for the whole nation that Pak Army, the civil government and general people are on the same page for combating terrorism and other evils and ensuring progress and development of the country.

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