Japan donates 10 Suzuki vans to Hamdard Foundation

05 Sep, 2015

A handing over ceremony of 10 Suzuki Bolan vans to Hamdard Foundation Pakistan for Hamdard Free Mobile Dispensary under Japan grassroots support for health was held here on Friday. Speaking at the ceremony, Akira Ouchi, Consul General of Japan expressed his great pleasure in the realisation of this project and hoped that this project, would contribute to the betterment of life of the people in Pakistan.
The mobile dispensaries handed over were the token of friendship from the people of Japan and he hoped that this support would further strengthen the friendly relationship between Japan and Pakistan. He said, the Government of Japan extended a grant of $72,532 (approximately Rs 7.3 million) to Hamdard Foundation Pakistan for the provision of 10 mobile dispensaries, equipped with basic equipment for mobile dispensaries.
"Hamdard Foundation Pakistan is the NGO which has been providing health and welfare services to the under-privileged segments of the society since its establishment in 1964 and Mrs Sadia Rashid, President of Hamdard Foundation has been working relentlessly for the improvement of health and welfare of the under-privileged people, he maintained.
CEO, Pak Suzuki Hirofumi Nagoo, while addressing the ceremony said that Hamdard Foundation had started the project with two mobile dispensaries and later on increased it to 16 units, serving to the poor near about 40,000 per month. Today's donation of 10 mobile dispensaries would help the Foundation to expand its health and welfare service to more under privileged people. Pak Suzuki has been donating few units every year to schools and hospitals for students and patients' transportation, he added. Mrs Sadia Rashid, President, Hamdard Foundation Pakistan in her speech said "Our mobile dispensaries go out to areas and people with poor access to medical health and dispense medicines free of cost to the poor and needy people."-PR

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