New Islamabad International Airport: multiple approach roads given: Ahsan

04 Sep, 2015

Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal has said that multiple approach roads were given to new Islamabad International Airport. "Multiple approach roads are needed for the airports. If one road is blocked due to any reason, other roads can be used to get to the airport. One road will be constructed for passengers and others for cargo," he added.
According to the minister, one approach will be given from Golra to Motorway to airport for passengers while other Motorway terminal road for cargo will be constructed from Thaliyan. After visiting the new airport, he said the original PC-1 of the project was Rs 37 billion which was revised at Rs 81 billion. Now, the PC-1, he said would be revised again and its cost would not exceed Rs 85 billion to Rs 90 billion.
He said that the project was delayed due to mismanagement, corruption and delay in timely release of funds, adding the government has ensured timely release of funds besides addressing other issues. He said that the airport would also be linked with railway track for integrated connectivity. Answering a question, he said that we have approved a project for a complete infrastructure of security of the airport. He said that latest facility of lending 380 airbuses airplane has been provided to the airport.
Answering to a question, the project manager of the new airport said that there is only one main runway and other parallel runway is for emergency, while land acquisition for third runway is underway. "It is not a two-runway airport", he said. The Minister said that contract for road connectivity was given to Frontier Works Organisation (FWO) and it is proceeding for land acquisition. He said that approach roads would be completed in next six to nine months.
He said that new Islamabad airport has become a white elephant for the last many years, adding its cost has been increased three times due to mismanagement, corruption and no-professional approach. "Our government revived this sick project in 2013 and now 85 % work has been done. We have also increased provision of 9 to 15 bridges for demotic and international," he added.
He said that now passengers capacity form Islamabad would be increased from 2 million to 9 million annually, adding the government has approved a project for construction of two dams for the supply of water to the airport. He said that the dams would be constructed within two years and they will have capacity of two years storage water. The work on the project has been expedited, he said, adding it would be made operational by 2016 with all international standard and facilities.

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