Greece''s top judge takes over as caretaker Prime Minister ahead of snap vote

28 Aug, 2015

Greece''s top judge on Thursday became the country''s first female prime minister, taking over a caretaker administration to organise early elections next month, the fifth in the crisis-hit country in six years. Vassiliki Thanou, the 65-year-old head of the Supreme Court, took her oath of office in a brief ceremony at the presidential mansion. Dressed entirely in white, the diminutive judge then met with outgoing PM Alexis Tsipras.
Mother-of-three Thanou has taken a hard stance on austerity measures, having criticised as unconstitutional an unpopular property tax collected through electricity bills. In February, she fired off an emotional letter to European Commission chairman Jean-Claude Juncker, protesting that austerity cuts were "annihilating" the Greek people.
"The people are not responsible for the waste of public money by past governments and for mistakes in tax policy," she wrote, adding that the austerity measures "have failed as the recession continues as the rich continue to evade taxes". Thanou, who holds a degree in European law from France''s Sorbonne university, will name her administration on Friday, the president''s office said.
The date for Greece''s general election is to be officially announced by the end of the week, but it is likely to be scheduled for September 20. Outgoing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has ruled out forming a national unity government should he fail to win a outright majority in the snap elections triggered after he resigned last week.
Tsipras called for the fresh vote on August 20 after suffering a major rebellion in his hard-left Syriza party over Greece''s huge new international bailout, its third in five years. But on Wednesday, he dismissed suggestions he could work with the conservative opposition New Democracy, the Pasok socialists or the centre-right Potami if the election results were inconclusive. "I will not become a prime minister who co-operates with New Democracy, Pasok or Potami," Tsipras said in an interview with the Alpha TV channel, his first since resigning.
"If we do not have a majority, I will not cooperate with (the parties that ran) previous governments." Syriza stormed to election victory in January on a wave of popular anger over tough austerity measures demanded by Greece''s creditors in exchange for two previous bailouts since 2010. But the party has been bitterly divided over Tsipras'' decision to accept more tough reforms in exchange for a new 86 billion euro ($96 billion) rescue package, with hard-left rebels accusing him of capitulating to "blackmail" by the creditors.
On August 21, 25 Syriza rebels announced the formation of a new political grouping, Popular Unity, led by Panagiotis Lafazanis, a former senior Communist who has argued that Greece can happily exist without the euro. "We are the true continuation of Syriza and its electoral pledges," Lafazanis said on Thursday. Tsipras remains popular, although in the absence of recent opinion polls it is difficult to know whether he could win an absolute majority in the forthcoming poll.

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