DHQ hospitals in KP: 900 nurses, 600 paramedics to be recruited: minister

23 Aug, 2015

KP Senior Minister for Health Shahram Khan Tarakai has revealed that besides the vacancies of district specialists and medical officers, as many as 900 new vacancies of nurses and 600 of paramedics have been created for district headquarters (DHQs) hospitals of the province adding that recruitment against the same will be started very soon so that quality medical treatment facilities could be ensured in these health delivery outlets round the clock.
While talking to media here on Saturday, he said that a special task force had been formed to improve and strengthen the health service delivery in DHQ hospitals, tehsil headquarters hospitals, rural health centres and basic health units to provide all the basic health facilities to the people.
Shahram Khan further revealed that sufficient funds are being provided to DHQ hospitals on the pattern of Parents Teachers Committee Fund in Education department for 24 hours power supply, immediate repair of medical equipments, and disposal of other urgent nature of things there and then without going into the lengthy procedures of correspondence among the concerned departments. Summary has been moved to the Chief Minister for the grant of extra funds to the DHQ hospitals, he added.
Responding to a question about the task force the provincial minister informed that the task force had been assigned the job of collecting real time data about the actual position of staff, medical equipments and other requirements in DHQ hospitals so that immediate steps could be taken to make up the deficiencies in those health service delivery outlets. He further told that under the task force, monitoring committees would be formed at divisional level who will undertake visits to the DHQ hospitals in their respective divisions and give detailed report to the task force.

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