Wardag urges government to launch operation against terrorists in Punjab

23 Aug, 2015

Tehreek-e-Istiqlal Central President Rahmat Khan Wardag has said that the federal government like in other provinces should initiate operation against terrorists in Punjab, and take measures to stop funding to terrorists from foreign countries aimed to establish durable peace in the country.
"The federal government under the National Action Plan (NAP) should take indiscriminate action against terrorists beyond any political affiliations, across the country, Rahmat Khan Wardag said while addressing a news conference here at press club on Saturday. He also condemned the terrorists attack on the Punjab Interior Minister Colonel Shuja Khanzada (Retd) and termed it a cowardice act of the anti-state terrorists.
He also declared the Punjab government responsible for the martyrdom of Shuja Khanzada, as no proper security was provided him despite life threats to him by terrorists. He also said that a wave of anxiety spread across the country after the Malik Ishaq incident, adding in the presence of judicial system, any accused should be produced in the court of justice to give him sentence. He said that Army courts are also working in the countries which were also endorsed by Parliament.
Wardag also stressed the need to carry on the Rangers led operation in Karachi against terrorists, extortionists, kidnappers and military wings of political parties without any discrimination. He also said that the military operation in Karachi shouldn't be consider against any political party, adding but earlier in 1992 during an operation held in Karachi maps of Jinnahpur province were recovered.
He also lauded the steps taken by Army Chief General Raheel Sharif for initiating successful military assault 'Zarb-e-Azb' against terrorists in FATA and in restoration of durable peace across the country. "We did inform the Army Chief through a letter that certain groups in the Muslim countries are funding terrorists groups in Pakistan and no soft corner be used in this connection, Wardag added.
After the 18th Constitutional amendment, he said, the federal government should devolve all the power to provinces except the Finance, Defence, Communication, and Foreign affairs ministries. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, he said, should convene an All Parties Conference (APC) on the issue of construction of Kalabagh dam to develop consensus, or either initiate work on other undisputed dams aimed to save the nation from the destruction of floods every year. He also termed those anti-Kalabagh dam people responsible for the destruction caused by recent flash floods in Chitral, Punjab and Sindh.
Regarding the MQM resignations from parliament, he said that the attitude followed with PTI lawmakers should also be follow MQM members of parliament, adding if decision in this connection was made in hurry then a political crisis might be develop and law and order problem may also cause.

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