Turkey, Iran help broker rare truce in Syria

13 Aug, 2015

Syria's warring parties declared a 48-hour cease-fire in a frontline area on Wednesday after a month of unprecedented mediation from Turkey and Iran, signalling a new approach by some regional powers backing opposing sides in the conflict. The cease-fire halted fighting between insurgents on the one hand, and the army and its Lebanese militant Hezbollah allies on the other, in the rebel-held town of Zabadani and in a pair of Shi'ite Muslim villages in Idlib province.
The two areas are strongholds of each side under ferocious attack by the other, meaning both could benefit from a cease-fire by evacuating civilians or combatants. Three officials close to Damascus described the truce as a result of mediation by Turkey, which backs rebels fighting against President Bashar al-Assad, and Iran, whose support has been vital to his survival. It was among the strongest signs yet of a new regional approach towards a conflict that has killed a quarter of a million people, made 10 million homeless, left swathes of Syria in the hands of Islamic State militants and divided the countries of the Middle East on sectarian grounds.
After four years in which international diplomacy made no headway towards peace, countries that support Assad and his opponents have been quietly discussing ways to end the war and tackle the common threat from Islamic State. But Assad's fate remains a major obstacle to the new diplomatic effort. The Iranian foreign minister was due in Damascus later on Wednesday and expected to discuss a new peace plan for Syria. Sources on both sides of the civil war told Reuters earlier on Wednesday the truce was to begin at 6 am (0300 GMT), and negotiations would continue. The rebel group Ahrar al-Sham had led the talks on the insurgents' side.
"A cease-fire began at 6 am today for 48 hours to halt military operations in Zabadani," Hezbollah's al-Manar TV reported. "It also includes the two villages of al-Foua and Kefraya in the Idlib countryside." The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based group that reports on the war, said no fighting had been reported in Zabadani, Kefraya or al-Foua after the cease-fire's agreed start time.
"So far there is calm," Rami Abdulrahman, who runs the Observatory, told Reuters. Zabadani, about 45 km (30 miles) north-west of the capital Damascus and about 10 km from the border with Lebanon, has been the focus of a weeks-long offensive by the army and Hezbollah aimed at wresting control of the town from rebels.
The two Shi'ite villages of al-Foua and Kefraya, meanwhile, have been targeted in a parallel offensive by an insurgent alliance that includes both the Sunni Islamist Ahrar al-Sham and the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front. The United Nations envoy for Syria said last month that government air strikes had caused widespread death and destruction in Zabadani, and expressed concern that civilians were trapped both there and in the two Shi'ite villages.
Ahrar al-Sham said last week it was holding talks with an Iranian delegation over Zabadani, located in an area of western Syria where Assad, who faces an army manpower shortage, has sought to shore up control. A source close to the negotiations from the insurgents' side earlier told Reuters: "The cease-fire has been agreed on but there are other points and negotiations are continuing on them." One of the officials close to Damascus said: "The cease-fire will begin and some (people) who are in critical condition will be evacuated. Talks will discuss further steps."
The source added that ongoing talks were focused on an evacuation of rebel fighters from Zabadani, and an evacuation of civilians from the two villages. While diplomacy has so far been a total failure in ending the war, there are signs of a new push following Iran's nuclear deal last month with major powers including both the United States and Russia.

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