Letter to UN

03 Aug, 2015

How alarming it is that MQM has submitted a letter to the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, claiming that paramilitary Rangers has been committing excesses against its workers in their ongoing security operation in Karachi. The letter is reported to have alleged that their workers are being mistreated during the current security operation being conducted in Karachi, and law enforcement agencies (LEAs) are unlawfully detaining their activists.
MQM seems to have lost sight of the fact that all those who are detained by Rangers under the policing powers that the paramilitary force enjoys; they are produced in courts on a regular basis. Courts order the release of accused in the absence of any substantive evidence. The release of MQM leader Amir Khan and others following a raid on party's headquarters '90' is a strong case in point.
Being a political party with a significant representation in Parliament, its MNAs, MPAs and Senators are required to muster the support of other political parties to strengthen its case. Writing a letter to the United Nations will not help much. MQM chief Altaf Hussain is required to show great appreciation to the fact that Pakistan People's Party Co-Chairman can use highly objectionable language against the security establishment and get away with it but he cannot owing to a variety of reasons. Improving law and order in Karachi is the job of all stakeholders, including MQM.'s. Why is he adding to the woes of the community he reprsents?

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