Chinese investors meet Shahbaz

30 Jul, 2015

A delegation of Chinese investors met Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, on Wednesday and expressed interest in the project of industrial and agricultural park in Punjab. Speaking on the occasion, Shahbaz Sharif said that the role of private sector is of vital importance in the development of agriculture and industrial sectors. Chinese investors will be welcomed and all out facilities will be provided for this purpose.
Chief Minister issued instructions for setting up of a committee of authorities of concerned departments with regard to Chinese investment in the project of setting up industrial and agricultural park and said that the committee will keep a close contact with Chinese investors and give a final shape to the investment plan. He further said that there are vast opportunities of investment in energy, infrastructure, education, health, agriculture and other sectors in the province. He said all facilities are being provided to foreign investors under one-roof. A conducive atmosphere for investment has been created in the province.
The delegation of Chinese investors said that Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif is the builder of Pak-China friendship. They said that there is an excellent atmosphere for investment in Pakistan especially Punjab and they want to invest in the project of agro-based industrial park in the province. Chinese Consul General in Lahore Yu Boren, Provincial Minister for Agriculture Dr Farrukh Javed and concerned authorities were also present on the occasion.

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