Rulers trying to delay LB elections: Sarwar

27 Jul, 2015

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Punjab Organiser Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar has said the rulers can never absolve themselves from the crime of rigging in the last general elections 2013. He said that the rulers were seeing their defeat in the upcoming local body elections and were trying to delay the elections. If the elections were delayed, he said, the PTI would not stay silent and use all options including protests.
He said the PTI would not allow the rulers to run from the local body elections. He said that instead of making false promises rulers should try to solve the problems of masses.
He also said that PTI's manifesto and ideology is based on providing service to the people of Pakistan. The PTI will never forget those who have sacrificed their time and effort for the party and will be given due positions in the party, said Chaudhry Sarwar while talking to a delegation led by PTI Youth Wing president Zubair Khan Niazi, co-ordinator Punjab Chaudhry Waseem, Central Punjab Youth Wing president Chaudhry Ubaidur Rehman here on Sunday.
Chaudhry Sarwar said that the Pakistani youth is the strength behind PTI's Chairman Imran Khan's mission to wipe out corruption, lawlessness, injustices and joblessness in the country. He said that there is no doubt that massive rigging was committed in the General Elections 2013 that had no parallel in the world history and no report could absolve the rulers from the crimes that they had committed as they have already been exposed.
He said that the incumbent rulers were ruling Pakistan since last 25 years but have failed to deliver and put an end to poverty, price-hikes, joblessness and the floods, which are playing havoc with the lives of all every year. Consequently, he said, that the poor farmers' lands have been submerged in the flood water whilst the rulers are putting a show of trying to resolve the situation. He said that the poor masses' problems could not be resolved by helicopter visits - the rulers need to be there on the ground. He said that the youth was the genuine power of PTI and they would strengthen the whole party in the country.

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