FCCI welcomes decision of JC

25 Jul, 2015

Decision of Judicial Commission has stamped bona-fide of general elections-2013 and will certainly give strength to the democratically elected government to work with a renewed commitment and vigour for the progress, prosperity and solidarity of Pakistan. Welcoming the decision, Engineer Rizwan Ashraf president Faisalabad chamber of commerce and Industry (FCCI) said that this decision is actually in line with the well defined policy of FCCI to resolve issues and differences through negotiations instead of resorting to protestation on roads.
He said that election process after every five years provide political parties enough time and opportunities to launch their electioneering and disseminate their manifesto to the maximum voters. He said that unluckily, there is no tradition to accept the defeat and most of the political parties start blame game instead of identifying the real causes of their failure in attracting masses.
Recalling the sit-in of Islamabad, he said that it had promoted political unrest that damaged the fragile economic activities. The delay of visits of foreign dignitaries including President of the Peoples Republic of china delayed the huge funding and Pak-china Economic corridor that is deemed as a game changer in the region. He was however appreciative of some mature political parties that have played their role on the platform of election parliament but discouraged elements within their folds who wanted to stigmatize the economy and democracy by making elections controversial through false accusation and in the garb of their political rights.
Engineer Rizwan Ashraf has congratulated the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif for handling this critical issue with steadfastness to democratic norms. He hoped that they would now fully concentrate on economic issues and this ticklish issue has been resolved. He also welcomed the statement of Imran Khan who has accepted the decision of judicial commission. "Now Government and Opposition will join hands as both are duty bound to work for the welfare and betterment of the people of Pakistan", he hoped.

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