Imran's approach to politics

22 Jul, 2015

This letter refers to a Business Recorder op-ed "PTI turning into a family enterprise?" by Saida Fazal. In her criticism of Imran Khan's endeavour to introduce his wife to politics, she has raised a very important point.
According to her, "By foisting his wife on the PTI Imran is turning it into a family enterprise. When he says she has the right to head KPK government's street children's project or boss over elected party leaders that means, like the Nawaz League and the PPP leaders, he too has come to see the PTI as a personal fiefdom rather than a party committed to upholding the best of democratic traditions and principles".
That Imran has begun to follow in the footsteps of traditional politicians of the country is a fact that has found its best expression in his desperation to win over the support of as many electables of other parties as possible. Putting Reham Khan under the spotlight by ignoring many party faces is another reflection of his new approach to politics that he seems to have adopted with a view to brightening his election prospects. His strategy, however, gives birth to a question: What about his slogan of 'change'?

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