Pakistan condemns Turkish terror attack

21 Jul, 2015

Pakistan on Monday strongly condemned the terrorist attack in Turkish border city, Suruc, leaving at least 28 people dead and 100 injured. "We condemn in the strongest terms the terrorist attack that took place in Suruc, Sanliurfa Province of Turkey on Monday, in which so many precious lives have been lost," said Foreign Office spokesperson Qazi Khalilullah, adding there are reports of scores of others have been injured. Our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved families, he added.
He said that Pakistan reiterates its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. "We extend our heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the brotherly people and government of Turkey and pray for the speedy recovery of those wounded in this abhorrent attack," he added.
According to reports, an apparent suicide bomber ripped through a rally in the Turkish border city, Suruc, in which 28 people were killed and 100 injured. The explosion reportedly occurred midday at the Amara Cultural Park in Suruc, where a group had gathered calling for more help to rebuild the Syrian Kurdish city of Kobani.

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