IoK regime flayed for barring Muslims from visiting mosques

17 Jul, 2015

Hurriyet leader and the Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir National Front (JKNF) Nayeem Ahmad Khan, has castigated the anti-Muslim puppet administration for stopping the Muslims from performing their religious obligations. Nayeem Ahmed Khan who is under continued house arrest in occupied Srinagar for the past over a week, in a statement said that the puppet regime was not allowing the Muslims from visiting mosques, KMS reported.
He termed the action as interference in the religious affairs of people. Officers in bureaucracy are answerable to the Kashmiri Muslims as to why they do support the detaining of people only because of their political stance, he said. We demand a resolution of the vexed Kashmir dispute according to the wishes of the people and it is our only sin because of which we are being targeted every now and then, he added. The JKNF Chairman said that the irony was that officers in the bureaucracy, who also claimed to be Kashmiri Muslims, did not muster up courage to at least advise the pro-RSS puppet regime not to stop people from reaching mosques.

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