Germany, UN keen to help Pakistan address challenge of climate change

12 Jul, 2015

Germany and the United Nations have expressed their willingness to help Pakistan address the challenge of climate change. Talking to Radio Pakistan, German Ambassador Dr Cyrill Nunn and Director UN Information Centre in Pakistan Vittorio Camarota said Pakistan is one of victim of the climate change. The German Ambassador said Pakistan can mitigate the problem by focusing on renewable sources of energy.
He said German companies are already collaborating with Pakistan in solar power generation. Dr Cyrill Nunn said Pakistan can learn a lot from German experience in the field as Germany plans to have 40 percent of its total energy consumption from renewable sources in 10 years as against 25 percent at the moment.
The Director of the UN Information Centre said the United Nations is actively collaborating with Pakistan in overcoming the impact of the climate change. He said like a number of cities of the world, which are planning to convert themselves fully to renewable energy, Pakistan too should follow the suit. Advisor COMSATS Climate Research and Development Centre Shahid Kamal also said they are planning to establish a School for Climate Sciences in Pakistan with the collaboration of Germany.

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