Equipment, machinery in LGH: Shahbaz sets up special body to monitor purchases

11 Jul, 2015

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has set up a special committee headed by Post-Graduate Medical Institute and LGH Principal Professor Khalid Mahmood to oversee and monitor the purchase of equipment and machinery and completion of subject schemes during 2015-16 while observing the rules and regulations with procedural formalities.
Professor Mahmood has called for the first meeting on July 13. The committee will include one representative, each from the Planning and Development Board and the Finance Department, a procedural specialist from the Health Department, a project consultant, deputy secretary of the Technical Health Department, chief engineer buildings C&W Department and any other member to be opted by the chair. The committee will ensure the completion of the on-going and schemes of the annual development programme including major scheme titled "Establishment of Punjab Institute of Neuro-Sciences Phase-2 during current financial year. The committee will be authorised to hire financial and technical consultants for the project to ensure highest standards of work with regard to quality, financial management, procurement of requisite equipments and machinery.
The Punjab chief minister has also told the Health Department to appoint an independent third party committee consisting of reputable chartered accountant, management consultant, distinguished doctor, engineer and a nominee of the Health Department to carry out external audit of Special Committee especially with regard to financial performance and management audit on regular basis. This committee will be headed by a non-official member.

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