PTI workers demand suspension of Afridi's membership

11 Jul, 2015

Ideological workers of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf have demanded of the party central leadership to suspend basic membership of KP Minister Ziaullah Afridi, after accusing him in corruption scam. The demand was made by PTI former district president, Zafar Iqbal Khattak along with scores of ideological workers at a news conference at press club here on Friday.
Khattak said the arrest of provincial minister, over corruption charges and misuse of authority, was established a new precedent in the country. He viewed there was no such precedent in the past that a government took action against its minister against corruption. He said if the accusations were proved against the provincial minister, so he must be punished to establish a precedent others or if he (Afridi) is clean-man, then let the probe should be completed, to prove his position". Flanked by district councillor and joint secretary, Ms Kalsoom, Dr Inayatullah and other, the PTI leader said some influential were being tried to defend the corruption charges over the provincial minister Ziaullah Afridi.
He also criticised the party for ignoring ideological workers in award of ticket during last general elections, and bestowed those people which neither contested union council elections nor played role in strengthening of the party. Now-a-days, PTI leader said the same people had become ministers and advisors in provincial cabinet. He further added the party had awarded tickets against the merit and sack of money, now its repercussions are being seen. He demanded of the party provincial and central leadership to give priority to ideological workers and should focus on elimination of all corrupt elements from the PTI.
Khattak supported the party provincial and central leadership for efforts of elimination of corruption and self-accountability process. He also expressed full confidence over leadership of party Chairman Imran Khan and full satisfactions over performance of Pervez Khattak-led provincial government.

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