Rangers' policing powers: PTI submits resolution in Sindh Assembly

09 Jul, 2015

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Wednesday submitted a resolution in the Sindh Assembly demanding extension of Pakistan Rangers' special policing powers. PTI MPAs Khurram Sher Zaman and Dr Seema Zia, submitted a resolution in the assembly as the Sindh government is reluctant to extend the Rangers' policing powers for another three months.
"This house should recommend the government of Sindh to extend the powers of paramilitary Rangers forces in Sindh to combat terrorism, target killing, kidnapping, extortion, land grabbing and economic terrorism. Seeing the past performance, the services and sacrifices of Rangers in Karachi city we must take their help in order to bring peace and stability in Sindh Province," the resolution said.
"We are demanding the extension of Pakistan Rangers' special policing powers, granting them power to tackle terrorists, extortionists, land mafia, target killers and corruption as they performed well and Karachi's masses are feeling secure in presence of Rangers," he added. In addition, the resolution pays tributes to the sacrifices and efforts of Pakistan Rangers in establishing law and order in Karachi, he added. Meanwhile, Ali Zaidi, PTI Karachi President, demanded that Chief Minister Sindh extend the special policing powers of Pakistan Rangers.
Zaidi praised the Pakistan Rangers efforts and services for maintaining law and order in Karachi for the last four months. "Pakistan Rangers have done tremendous service to Karachi by exposing and apprehending criminals across the board irrespective of their organisational affiliations. The Rangers have been doing the job that local police should be doing but are not due to local police being ill-equipped, ill-trained and politicised."
The PTI Karachi President lamented that sadly the police do not have the ability and competence to deal with a megacity like Karachi and therefore, the Rangers must stay. "The biggest law breakers are sitting in Assemblies as law makers and manipulate the police to protect their interests instead of upholding the law. As they are feeling the heat of Rangers beginning to crackdown on financial corruption of politicians and prominent people of Sindh, the two main parties of Sindh and Karachi are scratching each other's back in jointly opposing the extension of Rangers' tenure," he added.
PTI Karachi President emphasised that the need of the hour was to protect the life and property of all Karachities and thus, the Pakistan Rangers were the only competent institution who can provide security for all. It is time that politicians irrespective of party affiliation, put aside their personal and petty interests and work for the greater interest of the people of Sindh and Karachi, he said.

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