Police report on NAP implementation 730 cases registered for making hate speech

09 Jul, 2015

In order to ensure speedy and effective implementation on the National Action Plan (NAP) against terrorism, the Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) have expedited operations against hate speeches, finance supporters of banned organisations, and illegal Afghan immigrations in the Sindh province.
According to a report of Sindh Police, as many as 730 cases were registered against hate speeches and 441 speakers were apprehended during the ongoing Karachi operation. Similarly, some 913 illegal Afghan immigrants were arrested while some 444 cases were registered against them.
The report said that actions were being taken against finance supporters of banned organisations. "Intelligence has also been activated to check the person(s) involved in funding the proscribed organisations," it added. In the wake of continuous terrorist incidents, the government has also initiated registration of Madaras (Seminaries) and enrollment of both local and foreigner students.
The report said that 1406 madras are functioning in Karachi, out of which 833 Madaras have been registered. Total 173736 students are enrolled; among them some 173103 students are local, whereas 633 are foreigners. It may be mention here that the federal government has already asked the provinces to take proactive measures to ensure speedy and effective implementation on NAP.
The hate speeches from various platforms such as religious, political and ethnic grounds were believed to be one of the major reasons in creating law and order situation in the society. That is the reason why Sindh police is working in an effective way to curb rampant hate speech and heaps of extremist material within its jurisdictions. As many as 10 cases were registered against hate literature, while 11 accused were arrested for possessing same material. Raids are being conducted against those possessing illicit arms. Some 3545 accused have been detained, 3580 cases were registered while some 3724 illicit arms weapons were recovered during the ongoing operation.

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